Success story: Arnes established a Modern Network Infrastructure with Juniper Networks
Find out how Arnes built modern network infrastructure and Wi-Fi network at 875 educational institutions for the innovative digital school of the future.
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Academic and Research Network of Slovenia – Arnes is a public institution that provides network services to research, educational and cultural organizations. It connects academic institutions, educational institutions, libraries, etc. into a national academic network, which runs various services that enable members to access the internet, take part in remote learning and log into various services using a digital identity. In education and academia, it offers the best and most comprehensive range of digital services.
In 2017, it began the four-year Programme for the Further Establishment of ICT Infrastructure in Education, in short, Slovenian Educational Network – 2020 or SIO-2020. The main goal was improving the competencies and achievements of young people and raising the level of training of educators in the pedagogical and andragogical process through greater use of modern ICT in teaching and learning.
One of the SIO-2020 sub-programmes was WLAN-2020 – building a wireless network at all Slovenian primary and secondary educational institutions. As part of the implementation of the wireless network, they established network infrastructure with the equipment of the technology provider Juniper Networks, namely the EX4600 and EX2300 switches, to which access points and SRX300 routers.
With the SIO-2020 programme, a big leap was made to the unification of equipment and systems, which is the right path to the digitalisation of education.