Ivan Krajačić

Systems Engineer, Fortinet
10:00 - 11:30

Workshop: OT/ICS security

Hands-on workshop: Achieving a Secure OT Environment with Firewalls and ADS OT Integration

Embark on a hands-on journey to fortify OT security with Fortinet firewalls and Nozomi Networks ADS.
In this immersive workshop, you will:
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of Fortinet firewalls and their role in OT security.
  • Configure and manage Fortinet firewalls in a practical OT environment.
  • Integrate Fortinet firewalls with the Nozomi Networks ADS system for comprehensive OT network visibility and control.
By the end of the workshop, you will be equipped with the skills and expertise to effectively safeguard your OT environment from evolving cyber threats.
12:00 - 13:00

Workshop: OT/ICS security

Hands-on workshop - continued

Embark on a hands-on journey to fortify OT security with Fortinet firewalls and Nozomi Networks ADS.


In this immersive workshop, you will:
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of Fortinet firewalls and their role in OT security.
  • Configure and manage Fortinet firewalls in a practical OT environment.
  • Integrate Fortinet firewalls with the Nozomi Networks ADS system for comprehensive OT network visibility and control.


By the end of the workshop, you will be equipped with the skills and expertise to effectively safeguard your OT environment from evolving cyber threats.
10:00 - 11:30

Delavnica: varnost OT/ICS

'Hands-on delavnica': Do varnega OT okolja s požarnimi pregradami in integracijo z ADS OT

Po začetnem 30-minutnem uvodnem delu, ki ga bo izvedel Ivana Krajačić iz Fortineta, boste pridobili praktične izkušnje pri  delu s požarnimi pregradami Fortinet, ki poskrbijo za robustno varnostno infrastrukturo v OT okolju.
V drugem delu boste šli še korak dlje, in sicer bo prikazana integracija z ADS sistemom Nozomi Networks kar omogoča celovit pregled in nadzor nad OT omrežjem.
12:00 - 13:00

Delavnica: varnost OT/ICS

'Hands-on delavnica' - nadaljevanje

Po začetnem 30-minutnem uvodnem delu, ki ga bo izvedel Ivana Krajačić iz Fortineta, boste pridobili praktične izkušnje pri  delu s požarnimi pregradami Fortinet, ki poskrbijo za robustno varnostno infrastrukturo v OT okolju.
V drugem delu boste šli še korak dlje, in sicer bo prikazana integracija z ADS sistemom Nozomi Networks kar omogoča celovit pregled in nadzor nad OT omrežjem.