Matevž Mulej

Ekspert za kibernetsko varnost

Je vodilni inženir z večletnimi izkušnjami na področju rešitev za zagotavljanje kibernetske varnosti. Aktivno se ukvarja z implementacijo varnostnih rešitev za poslovna (IT) in industrijska okolja (OT).

10:00 - 11:30

Workshop: Security

Hands-on workshop: Applying VisionOne technology to cyber protection

Step into the shoes of an Incident Responder for a few hours and learn how they analyze incidents, piece together the puzzle, and defend against existing or future attacks. Additionally, you will see how with the right tools, this job can truly be done in such a short timeframe.
This will be a CTF-style workshop, with the curiosity that it is a defensive CTF, which is not common; typically, you can find Red Team tasks, i.e., offensive tasks, online. Through solving various tasks, participants will familiarize themselves with tactics and techniques that attackers use in targeted attacks, including phishing emails, script usage for system access, and running malicious code in RAM. How to detect, stop, and prevent such attacks.
To participate in the workshop, you need a laptop with an Internet browser installed.
12:00 - 13:00

Workshop: Security

Hands-on workshop - continued

Step into the shoes of an Incident Responder for a few hours and learn how they analyze incidents, piece together the puzzle, and defend against existing or future attacks. Additionally, you will see how with the right tools, this job can truly be done in such a short timeframe.


This will be a CTF-style workshop, with the curiosity that it is a defensive CTF, which is not common; typically, you can find Red Team tasks, i.e., offensive tasks, online. Through solving various tasks, participants will familiarize themselves with tactics and techniques that attackers use in targeted attacks, including phishing emails, script usage for system access, and running malicious code in RAM. How to detect, stop, and prevent such attacks.


To participate in the workshop, you need a laptop with an Internet browser installed.